Minggu, 10 April 2011

Strategy Graphic Organizers

What is it?
A flexible instructional tool to help students construct meaning and organize their knowledge before, during or after instruction. They can be completed linguistically or non-linguistically.

How do I use it?
Model how to use a specific organizer with familiar content.
Allow students to help complete a class graphic organizer.
Show several completed examples.
Monitor students as they complete their own graphic organizer with new content.

Accommodations for ELLs
Model and demonstrate the strategy first, using guided practice and mixed-ability partner support before expecting independent application. Partner ELL students with students more proficient in English.
Preteach and accommodate the academic language and vocabulary needed to understand and complete the corresponding graphic organizer. Use realia, picture icons, international symbols or signs, visual cues, cognates, actions or gestures, dramatization, role play, or native language support. Use short labels and diagrams to reinforce meaning and sequential use of the graphic organizers for ELL students.
Provide ELLs with graphic organizers that are appropriate for the text structure and language acquisition level of the students.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
When introducing a graphic organizer, explain the purpose for using the tool. Model using the organizer with a familiar text or passage. Allow students to practice using a brief passage. Reflect on the usefulness of the tool by discussing with students the benefits of using the graphic organizer.
Gradually allow students to practice using the graphic organizers using short paragraphs or passages. Then introduce longer text and passages for independent practice.

Houston ISD – Curriculum
DRAFT 2010-2011

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